The plan is for us to have economic equity and opportunity and parity, for America to be the land of free, the home of the brave for everybody. WENDELL ANTHONY: The plan is for America to live up to its creed. King didn't just come to Detroit with a dream - he came with a plan. SEI: Back at Detroit's waterfront, Reverend Wendell Anthony says Dr. That speech would later be immortalized at the Lincoln Memorial. SEI: Some call this speech an early version of his "I Have A Dream" address. KING: I have a dream this afternoon that one day right here in Detroit, Negroes will be able to buy a house or rent a house anywhere that their money will carry them. He roused the audience with a familiar refrain. SEI: The young reverend also spoke about discrimination in the North, about segregation in the education system, prejudice in the job market and unequal access to housing. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR: There are some things so dear, some things so precious, some things so eternally true that they are worth dying for.

At the march's conclusion, King spoke about the recent murder of a friend and fellow activist, Medgar Evers. They processed several miles along Woodward Avenue - that's Detroit's major thoroughfare. SEI: Six decades ago, when the Walk to Freedom originally happened, more than 125,000 people showed up. SEI: This year, organizers are unveiling a new statue of Dr. King came to the city and felt that spirit and said, yes, this has inspired me to do what I need to do - give one of the greatest speeches of all time. She's proud of the city's many legendary musicians and prominent civil rights activists. As a young person, I feel honored to serve as a reminder that we're here because somebody decided, I'm not standing for this, and I'm going to do something about it. ZORA NUNLEY: We would not be here today without the people that fought for us. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech at a place called Cobo Hall. The four-day-long celebration commemorates the 60th anniversary of Dr. JUMA SEI, BYLINE: It's a rainy and overcast morning in downtown Detroit, but dozens have gathered anyway on the waterfront for one of the events in this weekend's June Jubilee. It was 60 years ago that he held a march there, the Walk to Freedom, and gave a sort of preview of his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.