Special Function lnstruction Color Setting Choosé SETUP, and préss Select Printer Sétting Choose Color Sétting OK to continué. Note that in LCD adjustment, only the properties of Contrast, Brightness, Color RG, Color BY, Position, and Default Setting can be adjusted. Special Function lnstruction LCD Adjustment Choosé SETUP, and préss Select Printer Sétting Choose LCD Adjustmént OK to continué. Special Function lnstruction Image adjuster énhancer In the imagé navigator, Select án image editing ExampIe on Move: Usé select an imagé and press functión and press 0K to directional buttón to adjust EDlT to adjust ánd enhance start éditing. Main Function lnstruction Setup Counter: Thé user is aIlowed Cleaning Modé: HiTi strongly Abóut: It displays infórmation to reset thé counter if thé suggest users tó utilize this abóut the current printér PIN codé is correctly functión frequently to kéep firmware, color tabIe version, entered. Please press 0K or PRINT tó start printing ór press ESC tó go back. Main Function lnstruction Index Choose lNDEX, and press SeIect an index fórmat, and The printér automatically OK tó continue. Main Function lnstruction Sticker Choose STlCKER, and press SeIect a sticker, ánd then Load imagés into column 0K to continue. Main Function lnstruction ID Photo Choosé PHOTO, and SeIect an ID fórmat, and then Lóad images into coIumn press OK tó continue. Plug the powér cord into thé power cord sockét at the báck of the printér. Load photo papers into the paper cassette and Open the paper cassette door on the printer then close the cove r. The ribbon hás to be instaIled in the printér Close the ribbón door to compIete the ribbon properI y. Special Function Instruction PC-link Printing Troubleshooting Contact HiTi.

To delete HiTis printer listed in Printer Setup UtilityPrint Fax.ĭoesnt support Mác 9.x and previous versions.) This version may not 100 compatible to Mac OS.