The new ones are fine, but the older ones with the transfer bar installed no longer have the nice, smooth trigger. For those that have fired a converted Single Six, you know exactly what I am talking about.

Ironically, my brother’s is only 8000-ish numbers newer in serial number and has only the. The flat ones are more collectible, but either way they are great users. The early ones have a flat feed cover while the ones like I picked up have a rounded one. They tend to have great triggers and are fairly collectible. The older models are called 3 screws due to the 3 screws used on the frame. These pistols tend to be very accurate, are extremely tough and don’t really tend to have any mechanical issues so they are great carry pistols for small game.

22 lr cylinder due to the other one having been lost years before from lack of use. 22 mag… Because lever actions are just too much fun to shoot.My Single SixThe Ruger Single Six is a single action revolver that came with 2 cylinders. I don’t think I’ll be buying any more guns but there are two I have always wanted but couldn’t justify when I have more than I will ever shoot. I don’t think he owns any other 22LR, but considering I have a safe full of guns from him that he didn’t have space for anymore, I won’t rule it out. 22 revolver (full size, 9 shot) with a top break extractor system. 22 coming to me from him in a few more years, a. Both are probably 70+ years old, and were apparently my wife’s grandmothers guns. 22 bolts that I have semi-inherited from my FiL, one with a fire and reload mechanism, one with a tiny 5 round box mag. 22 and other ammo is not pain inducing, I may have to take a chance to go shooting again - probably in fall when the temps drop. I own a Ruger 10-22, but it was purchased for me as a present by my FiL riiiight before COVID / BLM panic buying, and it’s never been fired.